The Auraetum sits on the very edge of the hewn city, right before the estuary that leads further into lights land. Through this shining city with its grand marble palace that oversees all, runs the flowing water of a natural spring. This spring is a fairly new occurrence, and it is known by its most popular name: the well of infinity. The well is a boon for anyone near it, giving them the strength of eternal youth as long as they remain in its range.

However, the well hasn’t always been situated on the Auraetum’s doorstep. Once, a few decades ago, it was located in the cloudscrape crags in ice territory. It was the home of a clan called the clan of Red Wind, and they cherished their “fountain of youth” - but then it took away all it had given them. For the well had a secret - it moves at will, and it will take with it whoever is nearest. Tossed into light territory without warning, the clan erupted into chaos, but the leader, Maggie, was able to keep them calm. They still had their well. Everything was fine. Until it wasn’t. For a dangerous enemy was on the prowl.

The adric sect is a group of bandits, well known for generations. A home to all those unwelcome elsewhere, any dragon was welcome as long as they didn’t betray the sect. A home for killers and murderers, those who had toyed with life so long they were hardly dragons themselves. Those years ago, the adric sect, led by their leader, Krow, attacked the recovering Red Wind. The already-weakened clan, known in the ice lands for their mystique and fighting prowess, were beaten. Many lives were lost. The survivors who still trusted Maggie as a leader followed her into hiding, and the Adric Sect was left in control of the well.

This win for the group didn’t last as long as they would have hoped.

There was an aspiring and conniving pearlcatcher gaining traction in the local economic sphere. Erina Wyldmeri, born with nothing but an unstoppable greed, had taken over a large chunk of land nearby already. She had her sights set firmly on the well, which by now had spread through hearsay and rumors.

While the sect thought themselves invincible, they were caught unawares when a powerful fighting force was sent against them. Erina’s hired help, a group that was at the time called “moon’s justice”, took out the adric sect and sent them running. This event concluded the well’s passing of hands - for now.

Erina, with her ever-growing funds, created a glorious city on top of the spring’s land. She gathered her council of like-minded dragons to rule her golden city, and soon the shining marble palace they called home stood like a beacon among the eerie landscape. While shifting fog and dust crept across the barren ruins outside the walls, the streets inside the city were a place of merrymaking. Attracted by lucrative opportunities and the lovely scenes, artists and merchants of all kinds took up residence at the Auraetum.

The streets lined with lights and numerous fountains, the Auraetum was Erina’s grand success. And with her (unfinished)